( ! ) Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/html/site1/wp-content/plugins/redux-framework/redux-core/inc/classes/class-redux-filesystem.php on line 432
Call Stack
10.0000366712{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0000366992require( '/var/www/html/site1/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.0000367376require_once( '/var/www/html/site1/wp-load.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:13
40.0001368064require_once( '/var/www/html/site1/wp-config.php ).../wp-load.php:50
50.0001369448require_once( '/var/www/html/site1/wp-settings.php ).../wp-config.php:95
60.02913902464do_action( $hook_name = 'after_setup_theme' ).../wp-settings.php:610
70.02913902840WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:517
80.02913902840WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:334
90.02933906744Redux::create_redux( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:310
100.02933906744Redux::load_redux( $opt_name = 'anada_options' ).../class-redux-api.php:432
110.03273935168ReduxFramework->__construct( $sections = [1 => ['title' => 'Header', 'id' => 'header', 'icon' => 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up', 'priority' => 1, 'fields' => [...]], 2 => ['title' => 'Button', 'id' => 'button', 'icon' => 'fas fa-bold', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 2, 'fields' => [...]], 3 => ['title' => 'Header Contact Info', 'id' => 'header_top', 'icon' => 'fas fa-id-card', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 3, 'fields' => [...]], 4 => ['title' => 'Contact Info', 'id' => 'contact', 'icon' => 'fas fa-heading', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 4, 'fields' => [...]], 5 => ['title' => 'Additional Links', 'id' => 'h2', 'icon' => 'fas fa-heading', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 5, 'fields' => [...]], 6 => ['title' => 'Connect With Us', 'id' => 'h3', 'icon' => 'fas fa-heading', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 6, 'fields' => [...]], 7 => ['title' => 'Language Switcher', 'id' => 'h4', 'icon' => 'fas fa-language', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 7, 'fields' => [...]], 8 => ['title' => 'Footer', 'id' => 'footer', 'icon' => 'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down', 'priority' => 8, 'fields' => [...]], 9 => ['title' => 'Anada', 'id' => 'fs1', 'icon' => 'fas fa-link', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 9, 'fields' => [...]], 10 => ['title' => 'Usefull Link', 'id' => 'fs2', 'icon' => 'fas fa-link', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 10, 'fields' => [...]], 11 => ['title' => 'Services', 'id' => 'fs3', 'icon' => 'fas fa-link', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 11, 'fields' => [...]], 12 => ['title' => 'Contact Info', 'id' => 'fs4', 'icon' => 'fas fa-link', 'subsection' => TRUE, 'priority' => 12, 'fields' => [...]], 13 => ['title' => 'Styling', 'id' => 'anada_color', 'icon' => 'fas fa-edit', 'priority' => 13, 'fields' => [...]]], $args = ['opt_name' => 'anada_options', 'display_name' => 'Anada', 'display_version' => '1.3.3', 'menu_type' => 'menu', 'allow_sub_menu' => TRUE, 'menu_title' => 'Anada Options', 'google_api_key' => '', 'google_update_weekly' => FALSE, 'async_typography' => TRUE, 'admin_bar' => FALSE, 'admin_bar_icon' => '', 'admin_bar_priority' => 50, 'global_variable' => 'anada_options', 'dev_mode' => FALSE, 'update_notice' => FALSE, 'customizer' => FALSE, 'page_priority' => 3, 'page_parent' => 'themes.php', 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', 'menu_icon' => '', 'last_tab' => '', 'page_icon' => 'icon-themes', 'page_slug' => 'themeoptions', 'save_defaults' => TRUE, 'default_show' => FALSE, 'default_mark' => '', 'show_import_export' => TRUE, 'page_title' => 'Anada_options Options'] ).../class-redux-api.php:402
120.03384057520Redux_Extensions->__construct( $redux = class ReduxFramework { public $fields = []; public $field_types = []; public $field_head = []; public $extensions = ['accordion' => class Redux_Extension_Accordion { ... }]; public $sections = [1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...]]; public $errors = []; public $warnings = []; public $sanitize = []; public $validation_ran = NULL; public $no_output = NULL; public $options = []; public $options_defaults = NULL; public $compiler_fields = []; public $required = []; public $required_child = []; public $fonts = []; public $google_array = []; public $folds = []; public $output = []; public $outputCSS = ''; public $output_variables = []; public $compilerCSS = ''; public $fields_hidden = []; public $field_sections = []; public $typography = []; public $args = ['opt_name' => 'anada_options', 'last_tab' => '', 'menu_icon' => '', 'menu_title' => 'Anada Options', 'page_title' => 'Anada_options Options', 'page_slug' => 'themeoptions', 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', 'menu_type' => 'menu', 'page_parent' => 'themes.php', 'page_priority' => 3, 'allow_sub_menu' => TRUE, 'save_defaults' => TRUE, 'footer_credit' => '<span id="footer-thankyou">Enjoyed <strong>Redux</strong>? Please leave us a <a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/redux-framework/reviews/?filter=5/#new-post" target="_blank">&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;</a> rating. We really appreciate your support!</span>', 'async_typography' => FALSE, 'disable_google_fonts_link' => FALSE, 'class' => '', 'admin_bar' => FALSE, 'admin_bar_priority' => 50, 'admin_bar_icon' => '', 'help_tabs' => [...], 'help_sidebar' => '', 'database' => '', 'customizer' => FALSE, 'global_variable' => 'anada_options', 'output' => TRUE, 'output_variables_prefix' => '--', 'compiler_output_variables_prefix' => '$', 'compiler' => TRUE, 'output_tag' => TRUE, 'output_location' => [...], 'transient_time' => 3600, 'default_show' => FALSE, 'default_mark' => '', 'disable_save_warn' => FALSE, 'open_expanded' => FALSE, 'hide_expand' => FALSE, 'network_admin' => FALSE, 'network_sites' => TRUE, 'hide_reset' => FALSE, 'hide_save' => FALSE, 'hints' => [...], 'font_weights' => [...], 'show_import_export' => TRUE, 'show_options_object' => TRUE, 'dev_mode' => FALSE, 'templates_path' => '', 'ajax_save' => TRUE, 'use_cdn' => TRUE, 'cdn_check_time' => 1440, 'options_api' => TRUE, 'allow_tracking' => TRUE, 'admin_theme' => 'wp', 'elusive_frontend' => FALSE, 'fontawesome_frontend' => FALSE, 'pro' => [...], 'font_display' => 'swap', 'load_on_cron' => FALSE, 'search' => FALSE, 'display_name' => 'Anada', 'display_version' => '1.3.3', 'google_api_key' => '', 'google_update_weekly' => FALSE, 'update_notice' => FALSE, 'page_icon' => 'icon-themes']; public $old_opt_name = *uninitialized*; public $filesystem = class Redux_Filesystem { private $creds = [...]; public $parent = ...; private $wp_filesystem = class stdClass { ... }; private $use_filesystem = FALSE; private $chmod_dir = NULL; private $chmod_file = NULL; public $cache_folder = '/var/www/html/site1/wp-content/uploads/redux/' }; public $font_groups = []; public $options_defaults_class = NULL; public $options_class = NULL; public $required_class = class Redux_Required { public $reload_fields = [...]; public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $output_class = NULL; public $render_class = NULL; public $enqueue_class = NULL; public $transient_class = class Redux_Transients { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $wordpress_data = class Redux_WordPress_Data { private $wp_data = NULL; public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $validate_class = class Redux_Validation { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $sanitize_class = class Redux_Sanitize { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $args_class = class Redux_Args { public $get = [...]; private $parent = ...; public $omit_icons = FALSE; public $omit_items = FALSE; public $dev_mode_forced = FALSE }; public $transients = []; public $repeater_data = []; public $localize_data = []; public $transients_check = []; public $never_save_to_db = NULL; public $hidden_perm_sections = []; public $ftp_form = '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>Error:</strong> Could not connect to the server. Please verify the settings are correct.</p></div><form action="admin.php?page=themeoptions&#038;_wpnonce=beeac4454f" method="post">\n<div id="request-filesystem-credentials-form" class="request-filesystem-credentials-form">\n\t<h2 id=\'request-filesystem-credentials-title\'>Connection Information</h2><p id="request-filesystem-credentials-desc">\n\tTo perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. P'... } ).../framework.php:565
130.03384057520Redux_Extensions->load( ).../class-redux-extensions.php:28
140.03394057816Redux::set_extensions( $opt_name = 'anada_options', $path = '/var/www/html/site1/wp-content/plugins/redux-framework/redux-core/inc/extensions', $force = TRUE ).../class-redux-extensions.php:119
150.03504074768Redux::load_extensions( $redux_framework = class ReduxFramework { public $fields = []; public $field_types = []; public $field_head = []; public $extensions = ['accordion' => class Redux_Extension_Accordion { ... }]; public $sections = [1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...]]; public $errors = []; public $warnings = []; public $sanitize = []; public $validation_ran = NULL; public $no_output = NULL; public $options = []; public $options_defaults = NULL; public $compiler_fields = []; public $required = []; public $required_child = []; public $fonts = []; public $google_array = []; public $folds = []; public $output = []; public $outputCSS = ''; public $output_variables = []; public $compilerCSS = ''; public $fields_hidden = []; public $field_sections = []; public $typography = []; public $args = ['opt_name' => 'anada_options', 'last_tab' => '', 'menu_icon' => '', 'menu_title' => 'Anada Options', 'page_title' => 'Anada_options Options', 'page_slug' => 'themeoptions', 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', 'menu_type' => 'menu', 'page_parent' => 'themes.php', 'page_priority' => 3, 'allow_sub_menu' => TRUE, 'save_defaults' => TRUE, 'footer_credit' => '<span id="footer-thankyou">Enjoyed <strong>Redux</strong>? Please leave us a <a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/redux-framework/reviews/?filter=5/#new-post" target="_blank">&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;</a> rating. We really appreciate your support!</span>', 'async_typography' => FALSE, 'disable_google_fonts_link' => FALSE, 'class' => '', 'admin_bar' => FALSE, 'admin_bar_priority' => 50, 'admin_bar_icon' => '', 'help_tabs' => [...], 'help_sidebar' => '', 'database' => '', 'customizer' => FALSE, 'global_variable' => 'anada_options', 'output' => TRUE, 'output_variables_prefix' => '--', 'compiler_output_variables_prefix' => '$', 'compiler' => TRUE, 'output_tag' => TRUE, 'output_location' => [...], 'transient_time' => 3600, 'default_show' => FALSE, 'default_mark' => '', 'disable_save_warn' => FALSE, 'open_expanded' => FALSE, 'hide_expand' => FALSE, 'network_admin' => FALSE, 'network_sites' => TRUE, 'hide_reset' => FALSE, 'hide_save' => FALSE, 'hints' => [...], 'font_weights' => [...], 'show_import_export' => TRUE, 'show_options_object' => TRUE, 'dev_mode' => FALSE, 'templates_path' => '', 'ajax_save' => TRUE, 'use_cdn' => TRUE, 'cdn_check_time' => 1440, 'options_api' => TRUE, 'allow_tracking' => TRUE, 'admin_theme' => 'wp', 'elusive_frontend' => FALSE, 'fontawesome_frontend' => FALSE, 'pro' => [...], 'font_display' => 'swap', 'load_on_cron' => FALSE, 'search' => FALSE, 'display_name' => 'Anada', 'display_version' => '1.3.3', 'google_api_key' => '', 'google_update_weekly' => FALSE, 'update_notice' => FALSE, 'page_icon' => 'icon-themes']; public $old_opt_name = *uninitialized*; public $filesystem = class Redux_Filesystem { private $creds = [...]; public $parent = ...; private $wp_filesystem = class stdClass { ... }; private $use_filesystem = FALSE; private $chmod_dir = NULL; private $chmod_file = NULL; public $cache_folder = '/var/www/html/site1/wp-content/uploads/redux/' }; public $font_groups = []; public $options_defaults_class = NULL; public $options_class = NULL; public $required_class = class Redux_Required { public $reload_fields = [...]; public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $output_class = NULL; public $render_class = NULL; public $enqueue_class = NULL; public $transient_class = class Redux_Transients { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $wordpress_data = class Redux_WordPress_Data { private $wp_data = NULL; public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $validate_class = class Redux_Validation { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $sanitize_class = class Redux_Sanitize { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $args_class = class Redux_Args { public $get = [...]; private $parent = ...; public $omit_icons = FALSE; public $omit_items = FALSE; public $dev_mode_forced = FALSE }; public $transients = []; public $repeater_data = []; public $localize_data = []; public $transients_check = []; public $never_save_to_db = NULL; public $hidden_perm_sections = []; public $ftp_form = '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>Error:</strong> Could not connect to the server. Please verify the settings are correct.</p></div><form action="admin.php?page=themeoptions&#038;_wpnonce=beeac4454f" method="post">\n<div id="request-filesystem-credentials-form" class="request-filesystem-credentials-form">\n\t<h2 id=\'request-filesystem-credentials-title\'>Connection Information</h2><p id="request-filesystem-credentials-desc">\n\tTo perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. P'... } ).../class-redux-api.php:1612
160.03634097888Redux_Extension_Custom_Fonts->__construct( $redux = class ReduxFramework { public $fields = []; public $field_types = []; public $field_head = []; public $extensions = ['accordion' => class Redux_Extension_Accordion { ... }]; public $sections = [1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...], 13 => [...]]; public $errors = []; public $warnings = []; public $sanitize = []; public $validation_ran = NULL; public $no_output = NULL; public $options = []; public $options_defaults = NULL; public $compiler_fields = []; public $required = []; public $required_child = []; public $fonts = []; public $google_array = []; public $folds = []; public $output = []; public $outputCSS = ''; public $output_variables = []; public $compilerCSS = ''; public $fields_hidden = []; public $field_sections = []; public $typography = []; public $args = ['opt_name' => 'anada_options', 'last_tab' => '', 'menu_icon' => '', 'menu_title' => 'Anada Options', 'page_title' => 'Anada_options Options', 'page_slug' => 'themeoptions', 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', 'menu_type' => 'menu', 'page_parent' => 'themes.php', 'page_priority' => 3, 'allow_sub_menu' => TRUE, 'save_defaults' => TRUE, 'footer_credit' => '<span id="footer-thankyou">Enjoyed <strong>Redux</strong>? Please leave us a <a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/redux-framework/reviews/?filter=5/#new-post" target="_blank">&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;</a> rating. We really appreciate your support!</span>', 'async_typography' => FALSE, 'disable_google_fonts_link' => FALSE, 'class' => '', 'admin_bar' => FALSE, 'admin_bar_priority' => 50, 'admin_bar_icon' => '', 'help_tabs' => [...], 'help_sidebar' => '', 'database' => '', 'customizer' => FALSE, 'global_variable' => 'anada_options', 'output' => TRUE, 'output_variables_prefix' => '--', 'compiler_output_variables_prefix' => '$', 'compiler' => TRUE, 'output_tag' => TRUE, 'output_location' => [...], 'transient_time' => 3600, 'default_show' => FALSE, 'default_mark' => '', 'disable_save_warn' => FALSE, 'open_expanded' => FALSE, 'hide_expand' => FALSE, 'network_admin' => FALSE, 'network_sites' => TRUE, 'hide_reset' => FALSE, 'hide_save' => FALSE, 'hints' => [...], 'font_weights' => [...], 'show_import_export' => TRUE, 'show_options_object' => TRUE, 'dev_mode' => FALSE, 'templates_path' => '', 'ajax_save' => TRUE, 'use_cdn' => TRUE, 'cdn_check_time' => 1440, 'options_api' => TRUE, 'allow_tracking' => TRUE, 'admin_theme' => 'wp', 'elusive_frontend' => FALSE, 'fontawesome_frontend' => FALSE, 'pro' => [...], 'font_display' => 'swap', 'load_on_cron' => FALSE, 'search' => FALSE, 'display_name' => 'Anada', 'display_version' => '1.3.3', 'google_api_key' => '', 'google_update_weekly' => FALSE, 'update_notice' => FALSE, 'page_icon' => 'icon-themes']; public $old_opt_name = *uninitialized*; public $filesystem = class Redux_Filesystem { private $creds = [...]; public $parent = ...; private $wp_filesystem = class stdClass { ... }; private $use_filesystem = FALSE; private $chmod_dir = NULL; private $chmod_file = NULL; public $cache_folder = '/var/www/html/site1/wp-content/uploads/redux/' }; public $font_groups = []; public $options_defaults_class = NULL; public $options_class = NULL; public $required_class = class Redux_Required { public $reload_fields = [...]; public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $output_class = NULL; public $render_class = NULL; public $enqueue_class = NULL; public $transient_class = class Redux_Transients { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $wordpress_data = class Redux_WordPress_Data { private $wp_data = NULL; public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $validate_class = class Redux_Validation { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $sanitize_class = class Redux_Sanitize { public $parent = ...; public $args = [...]; public $opt_name = 'anada_options' }; public $args_class = class Redux_Args { public $get = [...]; private $parent = ...; public $omit_icons = FALSE; public $omit_items = FALSE; public $dev_mode_forced = FALSE }; public $transients = []; public $repeater_data = []; public $localize_data = []; public $transients_check = []; public $never_save_to_db = NULL; public $hidden_perm_sections = []; public $ftp_form = '<div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>Error:</strong> Could not connect to the server. Please verify the settings are correct.</p></div><form action="admin.php?page=themeoptions&#038;_wpnonce=beeac4454f" method="post">\n<div id="request-filesystem-credentials-form" class="request-filesystem-credentials-form">\n\t<h2 id=\'request-filesystem-credentials-title\'>Connection Information</h2><p id="request-filesystem-credentials-desc">\n\tTo perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. P'... } ).../class-redux-api.php:253
170.03644101952Redux_Filesystem->execute( $action = 'mkdir', $file = '/var/www/html/site1/wp-content/uploads/redux/custom-fonts/', $params = ??? ).../class-redux-extension-custom-fonts.php:89
180.03764109192Redux_Filesystem->do_action( $action = 'mkdir', $file = '/var/www/html/site1/wp-content/uploads/redux/custom-fonts/', $params = [] ).../class-redux-filesystem.php:273
SIKITA DENTAL – Solusi Tepat Klinik Anda






Di pakai 120 Klinik & Dokter praktek di Indonesia

Pelayanan mencakup sub modul Penjadwalan Pasien, Data Rekam Gigi Pasien, Pembayaran Pasien, Laporan Pendapatan, Laporan Kedatangan Pasien, Billing System

Front Office mencakup sub modul yakni Modul Management Data Pasien mulai dari Pencarian Data Pasien, Edit Pasien apabila data salah, Setting Kode Pasien menggunakan Huruf Depan pasien atau Penomoran Angka sampai pada Import Pasien

Management Mencakup Pengaturan Tarif tindakan, Konfigurasi Klinik, Pengaturan Shift Kasir, Informasi Pegawai, Konfigurasi Jenis Pasien, Tarif Registrasi Pasien Baru / Lama, Reset Data Aplikasi, Rekap Pasien Baru / Lama, Laporan Penjadwalan Pasien, Laporan Faktur Pembelian, Grafik Pendapatan, Grafik Kedatangan, Rekap Pasien, Laporan Kedatangan Pasien

User Management mencakup semua sub-sub modul yang digunakan untuk mengatur hak akses dari tiap-tiap user yang ada pada sistem, yakni Setting Jabatan, Manajemen User berdasarkan Jabatan, Setting privilege sampai pada filter create, read, update dan delete

Rekam Gigi Pasien mencakup sub modul yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan pada pasien, foto gigi pasien sebelum dilakukan perawatan sampai setelah dilakukan Perawatan

Rekam X-Ray Gigi Pasien mencakup sub modul untuk mencatat rek x-ray gigi pasein yang digunakan untuk membantu melihat progress perawatan yang dilakukan terhadap suatu pasien

Modul Odontogram merupakan modul yang berisi Diagram Odontogram Pasien yang dapat di setting dengan mudah. Tinggal Klik Icon Tindakan gigi Pasien maka diagram gigi pasein dapat berubah sesuai dengan yang dipilih. Modul ini dapat digunakan pula untuk planning perawatan Pasien